Top Reasons to Hire a Social Media Consultant for Your Business

Social media can be a powerful marketing tool to help grow your customer base and sales. However, with the ever-changing social media landscape and multitude of platforms, it can be difficult for businesses to know where to focus their efforts. That’s where hiring a social media consultant comes in.

Gain Social Media Expertise

A social media consultant will have expert knowledge across all major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok. They understand the specific features, algorithms and audiences of each channel. This expert knowledge allows them to develop custom social media strategies tailored to your business goals and target audience. Rather than floundering alone trying to learn everything yourself, a consultant can hit the ground running and ensure your social efforts are optimised.

Save Time and Effort

Running effective social media marketing is a time-consuming process. It requires daily posting, engagement, analytics review and strategy tweaks. For many small businesses, finding hours every week to dedicate to social media simply isn’t feasible alongside other responsibilities. A consultant will take this workload off your hands. They will handle content creation, community management and reporting so you can focus on running your core business.

Gain Access to the Latest Tools and Strategies

Social media best practices and available tools are constantly evolving. A consultant stays atop these changes through industry events, training and hands-on experience. They understand how to harness the latest innovations to maximise results. Rather than trying to diligently research updates yourself, you can benefit from a consultant’s existing knowledge. New strategies like using TikTok ads or Instagram shopping can give your business a competitive edge.

Avoid Costly Mistakes

It’s easy for a non-expert to misstep with social media actions that negatively impact engagement and sales. A consultant understands the small details that make a big difference, like proper Hashtag and @mention usage. They can advise on issues like copyright, legal compliance and platform policy changes before problems arise. With their guidance, you can avoid unnecessary blunders that set your efforts back.

Objective Outside Perspective

When you’re in the inner workings of your business daily, it’s difficult to take an objective view of your brand messaging and online presence. A consultant provides an outside look without bias. Their fresh perspective can uncover new opportunities or inconsistencies you may have overlooked. They also aren’t emotionally tied to any strategy, so they can evaluate performance honestly and make impartial recommendations.

Access Affordable Expertise

The costs of an experienced in-house social media manager may exceed what many small companies can afford. However, hiring a consultant on a project basis makes expert help available for a fractional cost. You only pay for the time and services required, avoiding continuous overhead. A good consultant also works on a retained basis, offering ongoing support and strategy adjustments as your business grows and markets change.


How much does a social media consultant cost?

Social media consultant rates vary depending on the consultant’s level of experience and the scope of work required. Generally, costs range between £30-100 per hour for regular work or low-budget projects. For more involved strategic consulting, packages may be priced per month starting at £1000+. Always ask for a quote to understand included deliverables.

What services do social media consultants provide?

Typical consultant services include social media strategy development, content planning, community management, ad creation/buying, analytics setup and reporting, platform training, crisis management, blog/article writing and more. The specific package is customized to each business’ unique needs and goals.

How do I find a qualified social media consultant?

Look for consultants with 5+ years hands-on experience across the major platforms and a track record of success growing businesses in your industry. Check reviews and case studies. Ask about certification, relevant education and industry affiliations. Request references you can contact. Only hire someone who takes a consultative approach to understand your business first.

How do I know a consultant is right for my business?

Trust your instincts during the initial consultancy call. Do they ask thoughtful questions to understand your needs and goals? Do their proposed strategies seem tailored versus generic? Look for strong communication and a willingness to be flexible in their approach. Don’t be afraid to get a second quote if you have doubts.

Can I do social media marketing without a consultant?

It’s possible for some very basic social efforts like creating a profile and posting organically. However, for measurable results like growing your email list, sales or website traffic over time, a consultant is strongly recommended. They provide dedicated time, expertise and objective oversight that most business owners struggle to consistently achieve on their own.

The Bottom Line

While social media seems like a relatively low-cost marketing channel, doing it effectively requires dedicated effort, time and ongoing strategy assessment. Most business owners realise they can’t develop into social media experts overnight while running their core operations. Hiring an experienced consultant allows you to benefit from their existing knowledge and free up your own energy for what’s most important – your customers and products. In the long run, the investment in a consultant is outweighed by the sales and brand exposure gains they can help achieve.

In Conclusion

This article aimed to clearly outline the top reasons why hiring a social media consultant is worthwhile for growing businesses. With an expert guiding optimized strategies, businesses can minimise risks and learning curves associated with DIY social efforts. Consultants provide ongoing support rooted in data and industry best practices. While social media may seem daunting, with the right assistance it becomes a powerful and manageable marketing channel.


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